Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Time flies.....when you are busy.

I really didn't mean for the blog to die. It just happened, somewhere between a mobile baby (now toddler) and sleep trumping nearly everything else. I have written many blog posts, however, none of them ever made it out of my swirling head.

I suppose I should just fast-forward to today. Most people, maybe all, that would ever think to look at this blog will already know these facts.
I am currently 24 weeks pregnant with a baby girl, we are going to name her Gloria Suzanne.
I am the mom to a very cute (too smart for his own good and mine) toddler named Miles who is 19 months old.
I am married to a very cute boy named Nate who graduates from Medical School in about a month. He is going to do his family medicine residency at St. Francis here in Indianapolis. We will be living here at least three more years.
I have been married for 6 years and with my high school sweetheart for 10 years. Time seems to be in hyperdrive.
I am currently working a few hours a week, thus reviving my "professional" life for a few more months. Other than that, I am a stay at home mom and jack of many trades.

Our life in a nutshell since the last blog update has looked like this: Summer fun with a walking kiddo. Birthdays and anniversaries. A happy surprise pregnancy discovered around Thanksgiving. Life in limbo for a few months. Holidays, illness, and life in general.

I feel like it is an appropriate time to breathe a little life back in to this old thing. Will I keep it up?! Who knows. I would love to, I really would, but based on my past behavior, I wouldn't put any money on it.