Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The day of some bad ju-ju

Nate is the tiny figure at the top in the blue shirt doing the "Rocky" arm-thing - you may want to get a magnifying glass out, but it was pretty funny!

We stayed overnight in Denver, PA - which is in Amish Country in Lancaster County, PA - for those of you who know and love Middlebury, you will know why this is funny......also I am pretty sure at some point I told Nate that my dream vacation was in Amish Country, completely sarcastically!

However, we must back the story up just a little bit - on our drive into PA on Sunday, the car started shaking and vibrating violently when we were braking on the 8% grades through the hills. We were a bit worried and thought we should probably have it checked out.

Fast forward to Tuesday morning while in Denver, we had the car looked at. It could have been much worse, but we did require new brake pads and rotors for the car - $244 and two hours later than we had intended to leave, we were on our way, but feeling pretty good about the brakes.

We made our way to Philadelphia, PA! Things continued to go amiss when we parked and payed for 20 minutes on a meter, then came back 28 minutes later to find a $36 parking ticket (well $38.50 after paying it online with a credit card.....) A little bit frusterating to say the least.

However, the day got a lot better. We enjoyed Colonial history as well as movie sites from National Treasure....and it was really great. We saw and toured Independence Hall, saw the Liberty Bell, went through a museum and saw the site where Ben Franklin's house was, and enjoyed a really cool dinner at a tavern-type place that was still like it was in the 18th century - really fun, but really expensive - in the end worth it!

Nate also finished up our time in Philly by running up the "Rocky" stairs, what I thought was the end to a fantastic day - oh boy, I WAS WRONG........

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